You may have thousands of questions about healthcare for your newborn. Help is available so do not hesitate to contact a professional day or night. Decide who you may need to call and stick their contact numbers on your fridge.
Before you leave hospital:
Take advantage of online pharmacy viagra health checks for your newborn, including a hearing check. These tests on your new, small baby can seem daunting. However, the results can offer you some peace of mind and give your doctor vital information. Often, the earlier health issues are treated, the better.
While the doctors, nurses and midwives are around, don't be afraid to ask dumb questions – they are often the best kind. You could start by saying, 'This may sound like a dumb question but…' And keep asking your questions until you understand what you really want to know!
Health centre checks: Your nearest baby health centre provides free infant checkups, recommended at two, four and eight weeks. This is an ideal time to ask questions about anything from rashes to vomiting to crying (yours and your baby’s!). You may want to write a list of questions before you visit to make sure you cover everything.
Immunisation protects us against bacteria and viral nasties, such as measles and diphtheria, that once killed thousands. Some are by needle, some by mouth and all contain inert (not alive) particles of the virus or bacteria to help the body ‘learn’ how to become immune to it. Immunisation is considered essential protection for your baby. Newborns can be immunised by a GP or at a baby health centre at:
- Birth
- Two months
- Four months
The Maternity Immunisation Allowance is only payable once you have followed the immunisation recommendations.
You are the person who knows your baby best, so you may be the first to notice if she is unwell. Call your doctor as soon as possible if you see any of the following signs in your newborn:
- broken skin that looks ‘angry’, red and inflamed
- a fever (a temperature of more than 38°C)
- any major skin discolouration, like red spots, yellowish skin or yellowish eyes
For related information, see the A-Z Health Reference.
1. Protect against germs A close encounter with germs can mean a trip to the hospital for your baby if she gets sick and develops a fever. You can try to limit her exposure to germs by washing your hands before touching her, especially if you’ve been out shopping, handling raw food or changing her nappy. If someone around her has a cold or flu, you may want to ask them to stay out of range until they are germ-free.
2. Don’t give unprescribed medications Normal household medicine can be deadly to a newborn. Even baby painkillers, cough medicine and decongestants can all cause harm, as can other medications. That’s why it is important not to give any medication to your baby unless it is prescribed for her by your doctor. Some herbal remedies can also be dangerous, so it’s best to check with a doctor first.
3. Protect her ears Your baby’s ears are delicate, so protect her from loud sounds very close to her ears. Even an innocent popping kiss on the ear can cause a bit of permanent deafness, not to mention an excited older child yelling in her ear, a barking dog or blasting music.
4. Keep her air clean ‘Secondhand smoke’ can cause serious health risks to non-smokers. If someone in your house smokes, they can protect your newborn by always smoking outside. Avoid using chemical household sprays, like insect repellent or cleaning products, when your baby is in the room. Your newborn’s skin is even too sensitive for personal insect spray or baby sunscreen, so best to simply shelter her from mosquitos, flies and the sun.